Monday, July 9, 2012

Ten VERY Random Facts About Myself.

1. I have a slight obsession with Spider-Man. 
2. I'm a painter. (Peep the Spider-Man cup, wasn't lying.)
3. I love E-Cards. 
4. I'm a Harry Potter Nerd. 
5. I'm a photographer without a camera at the moment. 
6. I love Dance Photography 
7. I Love Bulldogs 
8. I've always wanted to be a stand up comedian. 
9.I've also dreamed of Tina Fey'ing my way on to SNL. (I've always wanted to write and be a cast member of the show.)
10. I'm a superhero geek.


  1. I like your painting! and I love E-Cards too!

  2. this is very interesting! I love superhero's too but my favorite it batman..just because ive loved him every since i was a kid. i do love harry potter though and love comedy as well. You should watch the show louis on netflix. its hilarious

  3. love some SNL and comics!

  4. Yes Spider-Man is a fantastico hero. I have many a minimate figurines of him, which is cool.
